Objective: It is possible to divide data analysis into two fields: Hypothesis Generation and Hypothesis Confirmation (Also called confirmatory analysis). In this project I will deal only with analysis, where the objective is to understand how the data is distributed and generate insight for future decision-making, this analysis aims to explore as much as possible the data in a simple, intuitive and informative way. The data used in this project contains information only from 1980 to 2016. Below is a sketch of all the stages made in these notebooks, following a logical and intuitive sequence to facilitate the understanding of the data.
Dataset: The data set used in this project is available in the Kaggle(vgsales.csv). The raw data contains 16598 rows and 11 columns.This dataset contains a list of video games with sales greater than 100,000 copies. It was generated by a scrape of vgchartz.com.
Fields Inculde:
In this project we mainly focusing in few columns