Video Game Sales Analysis

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About Project

Objective: It is possible to divide data analysis into two fields: Hypothesis Generation and Hypothesis Confirmation (Also called confirmatory analysis). In this project I will deal only with analysis, where the objective is to understand how the data is distributed and generate insight for future decision-making, this analysis aims to explore as much as possible the data in a simple, intuitive and informative way. The data used in this project contains information only from 1980 to 2016. Below is a sketch of all the stages made in these notebooks, following a logical and intuitive sequence to facilitate the understanding of the data.

Dataset: The data set used in this project is available in the Kaggle(vgsales.csv). The raw data contains 16598 rows and 11 columns.This dataset contains a list of video games with sales greater than 100,000 copies. It was generated by a scrape of

Fields Inculde:

Column Description

Column We focus

In this project we mainly focusing in few columns




~~Data Analysis is about answering questions~~


Research Questions

  • Q1: What are the top-selling video game platforms of all time?
  • Q2: What is the trend in video game sales over time?
  • Q3: Which publishers have released the most games and which ones have the highest total sales?
  • Q4: How do sales vary by region, and which regions have the highest total sales?
  • Q5: Is there a relationship between a game's rating and its sales performance?
  • Q6: How have different game genres performed in terms of sales over time?
  • Q7: Are there any notable differences in sales performance between different regions of the world?
  • Q8: Which individual games have been the highest-selling of all time?
  • Q9: What is the average lifespan of a video game console, and how does this affect the sales of games released on that platform?
  • Q10: Are there any significant differences in sales performance between games with different ESRB ratings?
  • Q11: Which game genres are the most popular among gamers?


  • H1: Games with higher user ratings have higher global sales.
  • H2: Games with a higher ESRB rating (e.g. T or M) have higher global sales than games with a lower rating (e.g. E or E10+).
  • H3:The release year of a game has a significant impact on its global sales.
  • H4: Games developed by certain publishers or on specific platforms have higher global sales than others
  • H5: The genre of a game is a significant factor in determining its global sales.